Monday, January 2, 2012

Movies - Transporter 3 (2008)

Overview: In this third installment in the Transporter series, Jason Statham plays Frank Martin, professional driver, who reluctantly takes on an assignment from the always creepy Robert Knepper (fans of Prison Break, in addition to wondering why that series attempted to last longer than one season, will recognize Knepper as unnerving convicted murderer/rapist Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell).  The catch?  If Frank strays more than 75 feet from his vehicle, the bracelet on his wrist will detonate in a fiery conflagration.  Many action sequences and explosions ensue.

What to Expect: Admittedly, there is more to the background story, involving Russian politicians and the disposal of nuclear waster...but that's not why I typically tune into a Statham flick.  Without fail (usually), his films have some pretty decent action sequences featuring pseudo-martial arts and great chase scenes.  The added bonus here was the fact that he can't stray too far from his Audi, which raises all sorts of interesting situations.  What do you do if you step away for just a moment and it gets stolen?  What if someone snags the keys and tosses them out of your range?  What if it crashes into a river?  The "twist" creates for some interesting WWJ(ason)D situations.

And I Quote...: Frank Martin: "Do I look like a man who came halfway across Europe to die on a bridge?"

Curt's Take: Worth Considering - Those of you who followed my Take 4 DVD Reviews for the 3.5 years (!!!) I wrote it will recognize that I'm adapting the ratings system from that slightly (All Star; Consume Immediately; Worth Considering; Not a Priority; Don't Bother; Run in Fear).  In this case, if you want a bit of mindless entertainment that has great action sequences, creative editing with a bit of European flair and not an unbearable amount of "drama" or "acting," you might want to consider this.  Overall, I enjoyed it.  Like a lot of action films, I tend to tune out during the "talking" and "character development" (heh), and just focus in more when the action picks up.  But there were some pretty great action sequences, so I wasn't disappointed on that front.

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