Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Movies - Stake Land (2010)

Overview: A young man whose family was slain by vampires joins an undead-hunting loner as they travel across the now fang-filled United States in an effort to reach sanctuary in "New Eden"...which we later find out is (spoiler alert) Canada.

What to Expect: It became increasingly difficult to not think of this as Zombieland...but with vampires instead of zombies and despair instead of comedy.  I mean, you have a young guy teaming up with a drifter who knows his way around killing the undead, who now have overrun the country.  A couple young women eventually enter the picture, too.  And they are making their way to some vague location for supposed protection.  But after that, the similarities end.

And I Quote...: Jebedia: "Boy, you can run if you want to.  Ain't nothing out there but sundown...and THEM.  You won't get far."

Curt's Take: Not a Priority - Dark, gritty...but not all that engaging.  I wasn't even that disappointed when the DVD started to skip due to a small scratch.  Definitely better vampire movies out there, but if you're an aficionado of the genre, I'd check it out.  It just seemed to much of a clone of Zombieland (a much better film, in my estimation) for me to truly connect as a viewer.

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